FTP Protocol full Study in Details


One of the most popular user of the internet is to download File .... that is transfer file from a computer on the internet to your computer. many thousands of files are downloaded easy day from the internet. Most of these file are downloaded using the internet file Transfer Protocol commonly referred to a FTP . This Protocol can also be used for uplode file from your computer  to another computer on the internet

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTP is a Standard Network Protocol Use to Exchange and Manipulate File over a TCP/IP- based network such as a Internet. FTP built on a client server architecture and utlize separate control and dataconnection between the client and server application FTP is used with the user based Password authenticationor with anonymous uiser access. Application Were Originally interactive command Lines tool with standardized command suyntax But graphical user interfaceshave been developed for all operating sysytem in use Today . The trivial File Tranfer Protocol(TFTP) is a Similar, simplified interoperable and unanthenticated verison of FTP.

Actualy the FTP is an intractive system. The FTP client that cames with windows NT or 2000 is a character-based client.
FTP execute  on top of TCP/IP stack and uses the OSI protocol to enable users and application to transfer files among networked station.

FTP Server 
                          a) Anonymous server
                          b) Anonymous server

a) Anonymous server :- It is the most common use of FTP,the internet file transfer protocol. FTP sites that allow anonymous FTP do not require a password for access. you only have to log in as anonymous and enter you email address as password ( for their records).
b) Non Anonymous server :- If you use a non anonymous server, then you will log in as yourselfand give your password.

FTP Clients
FTP runs on a client/ server model. For using FTP you will need client software to run on PC.
To begin an FTP sssion you run the FTP Client Software and contant the FTP server from ware you want to download file from. you can use FTP client software available windows 2000. thr FTP client talks to a FTP server. FTP uses TCP to handel communicationand create a session betwoon the two hosts.
The FTP daemon runs on FTP server. The Daemon handlee all FTP transaction . When an FTP clint contects a server a daemon will ask for an account number (or user name) and password many FTP sites allow anonymous FTP an explained earlier.
some FTP clients will automatically log on to the FTP server for you when you connect so you will not be asked to log on. It is so because your clients software does it automatically for you.
If you issue a command to download a file , a second connection is opened up called the data connection or data link. This connection can be opened up in one of the following two modes:

* ASCLL Mode
* Binary Mode
* Line Mode

1) ASCII Mode : It is used for sending text files and alters thing such as line feed and carringe                                        returns.
2) Binary Mode: It is used for sending Binary files and lets files through untouched.
3) Line Mode    : It is use to send text files line by line or it is similar to ASCII mode but with                                          aditional features.

Connecting with FTP 
Typical FTP session stset as client, when you the FTP Program and connect to an FTP site, sending on the program you have , you will ? enter you login information before connect or you will be prompted to do it after you connect if you are using web brouser to connect to another site, The Brouser will Prompt you to connect to an FTP site; you need to know the IP of an account on the FTP server  . In other Is, you need to login with a user name and password so that the server know who you are. y accessible FTP sites expect you to use a account called anonymous . unless you spec-, Internet Explorer assumes that you want to con-to FTP sites as an anonymous user . and it supplies the server withe the user name anonymous and a password consisting of your own email address.

To connect to an FTP site do this :
1) Enter the URL of the FTP site in the address box and click Go. for Example ,to connect to FTP site rtfm.mit.edu/pub/  enter the URL as follows:
2) The browser open the specified site.
3) Display the directory that contans the file you want to download.
4) Right click the file and choose copy to folder.
5) Once you have saved the file in computer drive , you can open it using the appropriate software, depending upon the type of file. if it is a doc file,    you can use microsoft word  to open this file.

FTP Common Command:
* The basic command is :
  1) FTP Hostname : This command is written at the Doc Prompt and its opens and intractive FTP session. when you want to run FTP in a script, the available      switches are as follows: ftp[-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [computer] summarizes the parameters that you can enter he      command.
     Most of the time, you use the FTP client in intrective mode. you should be aware of saveral command when you are in this mode.

GUI(graphical user interface) Based FTP Clients:

* WS_FTP Client : WS_FTP has been available for several years, but it is still one of the best FTP        Client arround.the FTP client is free to gornment and   acadmic uses and to individual also for their    non-commercial use to get a latest version os WS_FTP from the following web site, type:

Browser Based FTP Clients
* FTP With Internet Explorer: Microsoft internet explorer FTP interface is based on the ordinary           Window Explorer folder, which makes remote file access as easy as accessing folder on your owr        Computer.

-> Follow the steps:-
    1) Activate Internet Explorer By clicking its desktop shortcut or by clicking the start and choose program and the choose internet explorer.
    2) connectly to a site directly by entring its address in the address box such as the following:
        ftp://ftp.microsoft.com  or
        ftp://your_username :your_password@ ftp.your_ISP.com)
    3) To navigate the FTP site, click folder icon to open subsirectories.
    4) Click on the file to download them.
    5) Exit internet Explorer by selecting file and then choose close.

you will be prompted to disconnect from your internet service provider (ISP).

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